We all face challenges at various times of our lives. The past two years have presented a number of challenges for the world not just us as individuals. The Covid 19 Pandemic confined us to our homes and continues to affect the health of many individuals. In spite of the measures taken many people have died or continue to face medical challenges from the lingering virus. This is one type of challenge people face. Generally, people have accepted the challenge and motored on to continue to have a happy and fruitful life.
Out of the negative there are always positives. In the case of the pandemic, technology took on a role that people didn’t really foresee. Suddenly locked behind closed doors we reached out to each other through the virtual world. Email, Zoom, Facetime, Skype, Messenger, Facebook and many more online services kept many people connected. Television and radio used to be the window into the world through newscasts and various shows. Now we just do an online search, watch an online demonstration, get directions, the weather and so much more with the click of a few buttons.
For some people who were shutins before the pandemic, the world suddenly opened up to them and people they rarely saw were in their homes through their virtual connections.
The sculpture attached to this blog is called CowVid. The base is a long-horned steer skull that someone gave me years ago. It has travelled with me through many moves. It seemed a fitting base for a sculpture about the pandemic. I have used leather, coffee, acrylic paint, crochet cotton, cheese cloth, beads, silk worm husks, vulture feathers and peacock feathers to create the piece.
The point that I am trying to make is that something that has been a huge challenge and even deadly to some has brought positive results to others. The cheese cloth mask represents the imperfect effort to contain the virus. The vulture feathers are paired with peacock feathers representing beauty and the beast. Even the skull of a beast no longer living can be made beautiful and bring pleasure to those who view it.
