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Monoprints, October 2023


The artwork attached to this blog is a monoprint. It is created by rolling ink or paint on a surface, manually creating patterns or designs in the ink or paint, and then placing a piece of fabric or paper over the surface to create a print. This is the simplest form of printmaking and can be very effective. Sometimes I choose to monoprint the same piece of paper or fabric more than once which gives a wonderful layered look. Monoprints are unique and cannot be repeated. They are a one-of-a-kind, piece of art. The fabric monoprints can be stand-alone prints that I can choose to finish in a variety of ways, or I can cut them up and combine them with other pieces of fabric. Hand stitching, embellishing, and quilting can all be employed to create a finished piece. Monoprints on paper can be complete as they are, or they can be cut or torn up and used in collage. This is particularly effective if the monoprint is done on tissue paper.

Monoprints are really a metaphor for life. There are advantages and disadvantages to making monoprints just like there are advantages and disadvantages to some of the choices we make. The results are unique and cannot be reproduced. At the same time, they are unpredictable. Each moment of our life is unique and cannot be repeated. It can also be unpredictable because we never know what will come up to change our day. Something as simple as the weather can disrupt our life. Thunderstorms knock out our power, which we are very dependent on, and our world turns upside down. How you deal with the many disruptions that come your way is significant. What looks like a major inconvenience can open our eyes to other possibilities. Keeping a flashlight handy, finding the candles and lighter, or getting out that book you have always wanted to finish while wrapped in a blanket on your sofa can be delightful.

Monoprints are perfect for experimenting with colour and texture. The process is messy but often the end result is worth the mess. Life can be messy at times too. How you choose to deal with the messiness of life can lead to an unhappy or happy result. Impatience, rigid thinking, and the need to control can all get in the way. Things just don’t always go the way you think they should. Flexibility, empathy, and the ability to think outside the box can make the end result much more fun and interesting.

Finding joy in every day can sometimes be a challenge. Embracing the uniqueness of opportunities that come our way makes for a happier life.



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