This is a really great month to talk about Mothers, especially with Mother's Day coming up. We all have a mother, without mothers, none of us would be here, in fact, the human species could not survive without mothers. There are many kinds of mothers, all of them honourable in their own right.
My own mother had seven children. Five of us survived into adulthood. Two passed away as children, one from an illness and one from a tragic accident. She was a stay-at-home mother who worked like a trojan to make the best life she could for all of us. She taught us how to make the most of what we had, and how to work. Nothing was ever wasted. Her green bin program was to feed our scraps to the dog or to the pigs if we had any at the time. If there were no animals to feed the scraps went into the garden to rot. She didn’t need any fancy compost bins. She reused her old clothing to make clothes for me or to make quilts for the family. We always had a vegetable garden and spent many hours tending it as well as preserving the produce by pickling, canning, or freezing food for the winter. Some of us still carry on what she taught us by making pickles, sauerkraut and sausage.
Our upbringing was pretty traditional. We were a part of our local community, attending church and taking part in community events. She made sure I went to 4-H homemaking clubs for which I am eternally grateful. We all have things we can thank our mothers for.
Every home is different and my job as a principal taught me that not all children get the advantages or training that I had growing up. These days, most mothers work while trying to raise their children and manage a household sometimes with a partner and sometimes on their own. Our experiences growing up shape who we become as adults. Mothers play a big role in that. They do their best and we need to recognize them for that. Children who are adopted are blessed to have a mother who chose them for their very own. Having a mother grounds us and makes us part of a family.
My artwork accompanying my blog this month is based on a photo of my cousin taken two years ago when she was expecting her second baby. There is nothing more beautiful than an expectant mother.
Be sure to thank or remember your mother in some special way this month. She is probably the most influential person in your life.