At this time of the year we often reflect on the past year and then make resolutions for the year ahead. Identifying what’s important to us is critical for setting goals for the year ahead. Family, friends, community and self-care are at the top of my list this year. When it comes to family, I have a big one. They are all important to me. Some of them I don’t see very often but they are always in my heart. This past summer, I attended a family reunion where I connected with so many family members, some I had not met before. It was so very special to be part of such a fantastic gathering of sixty family members. That was only my mother’s side of the family. My goal this year is to make more of an effort to connect with my father’s side of my family.
When it comes to friends, I also seem to have quite a few people who love and support me. In good times and bad I know there are friends who will step up and help me celebrate the fun times and also help me through times that are not fun. Recognizing and embracing these friendships for what they are is of utmost importance. Some friends are really family without the gene pool connection. To those friends, I salute you and love you right back. Spending more time with friends is another goal I will pursue this year.
There are a few communities that are a part of my life. The obvious one is the community I live in. The people in the condos around me are terrific people who step up for each other whenever the need arises. House-sitting, rides to the hospital, garage doors left open and support when someone faces illness or injury are just a few things we can all thank our community for. We look out for each other.
I belong to various arts communities. The Capitol Arts Market is one of those. Our artists cooperative has become a family in many ways. We look out for each other and step up when someone needs support. We learn from each other and recognize each others strengths and talents. The Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) is another of the art groups that I belong to. What a great place to spend time with like-minded people. This is a huge, international organization that supports fibre artists world wide. We are a family of artists who get together for art retreats and meetings. Our local ‘pod’ is a fun place to share our work and ideas. Threads is a smaller art group that I belong to that meets in Tillsonburg at the Station Arts Gallery a couple of times a month. We are small but mighty. We all love the arts and work in a variety of mediums. In the past we have had gallery shows, something I hope we do again in the future.
Looking after myself in the year ahead is of prime importance. Eating healthy, exercising and finding happiness within will keep me fit and able to reach the goals I am setting for myself.
The artwork I have attached to this blog is a pair of shoes. Hand-painted and drawn on with doodle designs to create a fancy pair of canvas shoes to make the next steps even more fun for someone. I challenge all you to step up this year and pursue your interests with joy and abandon.