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Patience, August 2023


Teaching classes in art are always a treat for me. The students learn new things and sometimes a little gem comes out that makes me learn as well. A few years ago, I was teaching a class in watercolour at the Capitol Arts Market. It was before covid so that classroom was very full. One of the things I tell my students is that water is the main ingredient in watercolour painting. One of the students spoke up and said, “The second ingredient is patience”. That comment is very true and it applies to a lot more than painting.

To really become a proficient watercolour painter, you have to learn how to plan your piece, handle the paint while keeping colour, value, shape, form and space in mind. Mainly watercolours are applied to the paper in many transparent layers. Since the main ingredient is water, you have to wait for things to dry between your washes of watercolour paint. If you are in a rush and the paper is still damp the paint you add will bleed and end up where you don’t want it. The process can be speeded up with a hairdryer but that can’t be applied right away for fear of blowing the paint where it isn’t supposed to be. Patience is needed if you want to be a successful painter.

This also applies to our daily lives. Everyone seems to be in a hurry these days for instant gratification. People get annoyed if they have to wait for someone to make a turn in front of them on the road. They are impatient while waiting in the long line at the bank. It takes too long for that parcel to arrive that they ordered. The file is taking too long to download onto the computer. Waiting on the phone for a real person to answer can often make our patience wear thin. Why are we all in such a hurry?

When required to wait in line I take the opportunity to talk to the person next to me in line. Conversations with strangers can be delightful and help the time pass more quickly. I put my phone on speaker and go about filling my time with a good book until someone on the other end picks up. The person will turn the corner, the parcel will arrive and hopefully, the technology will work and give me what I seek eventually. Getting annoyed with minor inconveniences raises your blood pressure and creates stress.

Our lives are filled with so many wonderful opportunities to enjoy our day. Take a deep breath and practice patience and your day will run more smoothly and who knows, maybe you will live longer.



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