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Positivity, January 2024


It’s difficult to believe that another year has gone by and we are starting 2024.  In 2023 my life was busy and fun.  Traveling, live theatre, great restaurants, and wonderful music were all a part of my year.  Many experiences such as the opera and the symphony were totally new to me and a great experience.  Sometimes I wanted more arms so I could get more done in the time I had.  The year ahead presents a variety of opportunities. Being organized will be important to achieve the things on my list.  The most important thing really, is to approach life with a positive attitude. 


Not everything in our lives runs smoothly all the time.  Sometimes, when things go awry, we can get caught up in the negative side of things happening around us.  It’s natural to feel down when things go wrong.  My experience has been that positives come out of negatives.  Many times, in my life I have faced disappointments.  Some of them small and some life-altering.  Once I get beyond the initial disappointment, I deal with the situation and hope something positive will present itself.  Looking for those positives is a challenge at first.  Sometimes the positives are not apparent for a very long time and can only be appreciated years later when one looks back and thinks about the chain of events and outcomes. 


Closing my Fabric Art Business in 1992 due to a downturn in the economy was very hard for me.  My teaching background beckoned and I went back into the teaching profession.  Working my way from supply teacher to administrator took perseverance, hard work, and determination.  In the end, I had a fulfilling career that I like to think helped the children in my schools.  Now retired, I am reaping the benefits of that experience and living a comfortable life which has allowed me to return to the arts in my basement studio and my involvement with the Capitol Arts Market here in Simcoe.  Things have a way of turning out for the best even though it doesn’t seem so at the time.


The art piece attached to this blog is part of a fabric book called Sea Life that I made for a gift this Christmas.  The book, made from a monoprint is embellished with hand-embroidered sea creatures, which are highlighted with added colour. 


As we roll into 2024, my wish is that everyone in my life has an amazing year with lots of positive experiences.  If some of those experiences are negative try and maintain a positive attitude.  Things have a way of working out the way they are supposed to.




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