As 2022 comes to an end and 2023 begins it is time for reflection. We all think back about the
events of the past year. Personally, I like to focus on what I have learned this year. My art
techniques have expanded due to interaction with other artists, research and experimentation.
Mixed media seems to be my focus and I am loving the results of combining fabric, paper,
acrylic mediums, recycled materials and a whole range of collected natural items. Finding ways
to utilize what is at hand rather than always starting with new materials is invigorating. I have
learned that I can make the ‘best’ with what I have.
The piece attached to this Blog is called Zoom, Zoom, Zoom. It depicts the use of technology to
stay connected with friends and family during difficult times when we were all required to stay
behind closed doors. Technology has always been interesting to me and I embrace new ways of
doing things. Telling ‘Alexa’ to add to my grocery list is just one change at my house. Being
open to change and advancements in technology has allowed me to stay in touch with friends
and family and also make new friends through online groups that I belong to. My book club on
Facebook has been a wonderful experience where I have read and discussed some fabulous
books and made friends with a wonderful group of people across the country and in the United
Another thing I have learned this year is that I need to personally make the ‘best’ out of my life.
Bob’s passing in 2021 left me grieving and lonely. Using what is at hand to build a different life
hasn’t been easy. I have met some amazing people who have enriched my life as I reinvent
myself. Lessons have been learned and old habits modified to fit my new reality. Life continues
to teach me so many things about people and relationships. The saying, “You’re never too old
to learn” is absolutely true. Learning helps solve problems and it also keeps my mind
My motto to end this year is “Make the rest the best”. This applies to my art, my leisure
activities, my volunteer work and my relationships with family and friends. This is an invitation
to everyone who reads this blog to have their BEST YEAR in 2023.