One thing that I am thankful for is that I can see. Since having my cataracts removed a number of years ago my vision is 20/20. It’s lovely not to have to wear glasses to take in the view around me, although I still need ‘cheaters’ to read small print or thread a needle. A small price to pay for the ability to take in visually all that surrounds me.
What we see around us can be quite beautiful. Traveling over the years has exposed me to wonderful views. It has been my privilege to see; mountains, plains, rivers, lakes, oceans, forests, deserts, canyons, wetlands, ancient cities, and some wonderful man-made gardens. Today the view from my living room is a spacious backyard dotted with assorted trees and bordered by giant pine trees. All of this natural beauty that I have been exposed to makes me thankful for the life I have been privileged to enjoy. Some of us do take for granted the beauty in our surroundings and the peacefulness of our existence.
There are places in our world where war is raging and the view is quite different. Survival is the focus and taking note of one’s surroundings is for reasons of personal safety, not pleasure. Landscapes have been devastated by bombs and fighting. In Ukraine alone, over 62,000 people have died, over 60,000 have been injured, 15,000 people are missing and 17 million people have been displaced and 140,000 buildings have been destroyed. This is only one area of our world where there is strife. Some of the world’s most war-torn countries are listed as Syria, Yemen, Mexico, Somalia, and Libya.
How fortunate I am to live in a part of the world that is peaceful. Be thankful for the view that you are experiencing.
The art piece attached to this blog is called “Porch View”. It’s not a place I have been but one I will be visiting in July. The photo reference was provided by Philip Jessup. It looks welcoming and peaceful. It’s a view I look forward to taking in while meeting new people. Again, I will be thankful for the privileged life that I lead.