February can be a difficult month for people, myself included. It is cold where I live and often dreary. Overcast skies and freezing temperatures can make driving and sometimes walking difficult and it doesn’t help our state of mind at all. It is easy to become housebound and isolated in the winter which makes it even more important to spend time with family and friends whenever you can.
Years ago, while visiting Calgary, my husband Bob and I went to the TELUS Spark Science Centre. My son, Adam, was working there at the time. There was a display about human behaviour that caught our attention. The one thing that really stuck with us was the 20-second hug. When you hug someone for 20 seconds or more it releases the hormone oxytocin, the feel-good hormone. There we were in the middle of the museum hugging each other for 20 seconds. We quickly discovered that it really did make you feel good to hug for that length of time or longer. It strengthens your bond with the person you are hugging, it makes you feel good emotionally and contributes to your overall health. Your stress will be reduced, your blood pressure will be lower and your immune system will get a boost after a good long hug. If one hug helps you feel better, more hugs can only add to your positive state of mind. Author and Family Therapist Virginia Satir once said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth?”
Living alone complicates the issue of hugs for many people. My research indicates that a self-hug can be just as effective. Hugging yourself for 20 seconds with your eyes closed while taking a few deep breaths is self-soothing. You are reminding yourself that you are safe, you are loved and you are enough. It feels a bit awkward at first but you are worth it and it works.
The key to hugging is to make it a frequent habit and consistently hug yourself or someone else several times a day to reap the benefits of the 20-second hug.
My painting called “Embrace” inspired my blog this month as well as my research on the subject of hugs. The idea for the painting came to me one sleepless night not long ago. There was a message there. Please take the time every day to add to your good health by hugging yourself or someone else. You will live longer and be happier.
This piece is currently hanging at Capitol Arts Market, 13 Norfolk St. South in Simcoe.